
Masuda Lab

Research Outline

We are studying regulatory mechanism of photosynthesis, chloroplast, and photoreceptor functions.

Life on Earth mostly relies on energy from the sun that is converted to biochemical energy by photosynthesis. The coordinated control of photosynthesis is thus critically important for all living organisms. Our research goal is to understand how photosynthesis is regulated and optimized, and how it helps to solve current problems for energy and food needs in the world.

People in the lab has own theme to perform original cutting-edge research. We welcome students and post-docs who are interested in not only photosynthesis but also a wide range of research fields including plant biology, microbiology, photobiology, biochemistry, genetics and biophysics. Please feel free to contact to myself.


Jan. 14, 2025
Our new paper was published from Front. Plant Sci.
Dec. 28, 2024
Fishing at Tokyo Bay. Machida-kun got a big fishï¼
Oct. 3, 2024
Our new paper was out from mBio. Congratulations Nonoyama-kun.
Oct. 1, 2024
Wang joins the lab!
June 11, 2024
Fishing at Misaki Bay on small boats.Got a red sea-bream.
Feb. 29, 2024
Fishing at Sumida River, near Tokyo Sky Tree. Machida-kun got a big sea-bassï¼
Nov. 2, 2023
Our new paper was opened in Plant Cell Physiol. Congratulations!
Oct. 23, 2023
Kataoka-kun (B3) joins the lab!
Oct. 16, 2013
Masuda and Nemoto-kun joined Taiwan-Japan Plant Biology, and gave selected talks. We also enjoyed night market.
Sep. 21, 2023
Fishing in the Hokkawa Port.
Mar. 4, 2023
New members join the lab.
Jan. 25, 2023
Our new paper was out.
Nov. 28, 2022
We had a welcome party for new students.
Nov. 25, 2022
Our new paper was published. A PhD student Raji found mechanisms of how hydrogen sulfide increases antibiotic tolerance of bacteria. Congratulations!
Oct. 17, 2022
Fishing again.
Sep. 12, 2022
Fishing in the Ito Port.
July. 12, 2022
Masuda Joined PB22 held in Portland and present our recent data in the symposium.
March. 27, 2021
We held a farewell party and alumni association for the lab online. It was good that people from afar could participate online.
Jan. 27, 2021
Our new paper accepted in iScience is now opened.
Nov. 18, 2020
Our new paper accepted in Commun. Biol. is now opened.
Oct. 22, 2020
Our new paper accepted in PCP is now opened.
Oct. 20, 2020
New students, Kaya and Hikaru, join the lab! Let's enjoy science.
Sep. 28, 2020
Doshun and Luu just receive PhD. Congratulations! Doshun will be a MEXT postdoctoral fellow in KEK in Tsukuba, and Luu will start postdoc in University of Copenhagen from November. We had a small party with keeping social distance.
June. 19, 2020
Our new paper is just accepted in Biochim. Biophys. Acta.
June. 15, 2020
A new paper is just accepted in J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol.
Apr. 6, 2020
We had the first Lab meeting of the fiscal year by Zoom. Echigo-san and Chen-kun join the lab!
Mar. 15, 2020
We had a farewell party.
Dec. 15, 2019
Our new paper reporting a new NPQ regulatory protein is now opened in PCP.
Oct. 15, 2019
We went to lab trip to Kiyosato.
Jun 13, 2019
We joined regatta tournament, and got a silver medal.
May 17, 2019
We, again, played baseball at Yokohama stadium.
Mar. 24, 2019
We had a farewell party.
Mar. 18, 2019
We joined the JSPP annual meeting held in Nagoya University.
Sep. 28, 2018
We had a farewell party for Nakamura-kun.
Aug. 22, 2018
We went to lab trip.
Jun. 06, 2018
We played baseball at Yokohama stadium.
Mar. 30, 2018/span>
We joined the JSPP annual meeting held in Sapporo.
Mr. Pope from Imperial College London joins the lab to do research for a month.
Nov. 07, 2017
A PhD studentLuu-kunrecieved best poster award in the international congress of photosynthsis held in India. Congratulations!
Oct. 17, 2017
PhD student Mr Ito recieve JSPS research fellow. Congratulations!
Sep. 22, 2017
We went to lab trip.
July. 27, 2017
FLAP1 paper is now accepted in Plant Cell Physiol.
Dec. 06, 2017
Dr. Shimizu who graduated the lab published his paper in Biochem. Biosci. Biotechnol. He also got an assistant professor position in the University of Tokyo. Congratulations!
Nov. 06, 2017
A review article about the BLUF photoreceptor is now accepted in Biophysical Rev.
Nov. 07, 2017
Luu received the best poster award at the 8th International Conference Photosynthesis and Hydrogen Energy Research for Sustainability, which was held in Hyderabad, India. Congratulations!
Oct. 17, 2017
Doshun receives the JSPS graduate student fellow. Congratulations!
Sep. 22, 2017
We went to Hakone for lab trip. We enjoyed nice hot springs.